Building Emergency Coordinators

Latest BEC Emails

Previous BEC newsletters and announcements are available in the BEC email archives.

BEC Administrative System

The BEC Administrative System allows users to view and make changes to departmental BECs.

You can view the BEC Administrative System User Guide for more information about have to navigate the system.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Building Emergency Coordinator (BEC)?
A BEC is a pre-identified point of contact designated by their department / college for areas identified within the University’s Space Inventory & Allocation System. BECs provide pertinent building or departmental information to public safety officials in emergencies and relay safety and security information to their areas of responsibility.
Who selects BECs for each department?
Each college / department is responsible for appointing a primary and alternate BEC, which the area’s BEC administrator updates in the BEC system.
Who can update BEC assignments?

All edits to BEC assignments are completed by the college / department BEC administrator. To request a change, please contact the respective BEC Admin for your area. BEC admins can be found by going to the BEC system at, navigating to the “Departments” page, and searching for their department with their dept ID or department name.

I am a new BEC. What should I do next?
First, welcome to the BEC program! You are an important part of public safety efforts at the University of Florida. You are a subject matter expert of your area and a liaison to public safety that may respond to your area for various incidents and emergencies.

Below are some next steps to help better educate and equip you in this new role:

What are a BEC's roles and responsibilities?
  • Do not put yourself or others in danger – don’t be a hero.
  • Follow all emergency announcements from UF and local officials.
  • If your building is evacuated, only re-enter when deemed safe by public safety or university officials.
  • Be a proponent of preparedness in your area.
  • Read and follow BEC listserv messages.
  • Stay up-to-date about your department’s space in your building (employee rosters, critical issues, special circumstances, known hazards, etc.).
  • Maintain contact information for any restricted areas in your building.
  • Appropriately relay safety and emergency information to your department when provided by UF.
  • Act as a liaison with UFDEM, UFPD, EH&S and outside public safety agencies in the event of an incident at your building.
Where do I go for more information or if I have questions about the BEC program?

Contact the Department of Emergency Management at or (352) 273-2100.

BEC Listservs

  • Department appointed Building Emergency Coordinators are automatically added to the listserv by the UF Department of Emergency Management.
  • However, if you are not an appointed BEC, a separate, public listserv is available. To join, send an email to with the one-line message body:
    • Subscribe BECS-CC-L your-first-name your-last-name
  • Previous emails are available in the Archives of Building Emergency Coordinator Carbon-Copy listserv (BECS-CC-L).